

토탈워 삼국지 DLC 흉폭한 야생 메타크리틱 점수가 공개되었습니다


메타스코어는 82점으로 꽤 점수 선방했네요 ㄷㄷ





오픈 크리틱의 점수도 공개되었습니다


오픈크리틱 점수도 메타크리틱과 동일한 82점입니다


아직 초반이라 더 지켜봐야할 것 같지만


아마 78~ 84점 사이를 왔다갔다할 것 같습니다 




아래는 메타크리틱 & 오픈크리틱 내 토탈워 삼국지: 흉폭한 야생 페이지입니다


메타크리틱: www.metacritic.com/game/pc/total-war-three-kingdoms---the-furious-wild


Total War: Three Kingdoms - The Furious Wild

Total War: Three Kingdoms - The Furious Wild for PC game reviews & Metacritic score: With the introduction of The Furious Wild Expansion Pack comes the first ever extension of the Total War: Three Kingdom’s map and its already rich cast of cha...



오픈크리틱: opencritic.com/game/10095/total-war-three-kingdoms-the-furious-wild


Total War: Three Kingdoms - The Furious Wild for PC Reviews

Total War: Three Kingdoms - The Furious Wild is rated 'Strong' after being reviewed by 5 critics, with an overall average score of 82. It's ranked in the top 14% of games and recommended by...



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