


토탈워 삼국지 신규 DLC 남만 흉폭한 야생 dlc가 공개되었습니다


현재 스팀 상점에 등록된 상태로 2020년 9월 3일에 출시하될 예정입니다


예약구매 할인으로 현재 10%할인받아 18000원에 구매할 수 있습니다




사섭 DLC도 스팀 상점 페이지에 공개되었습니다


사섭 DLC 역시 9월 3일에 출시될 예정이라고 합니다



아래는 두 DLC 스팀 상점 페이지 링크입니다


남만: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1299591/Total_War_THREE_KINGDOMS__The_Furious_Wild/


Save 10% on Total War: THREE KINGDOMS - The Furious Wild on Steam

With the introduction of The Furious Wild Expansion Pack comes the first ever extension of the Total War: Three Kingdom’s map and its already rich cast of characters. Visit the jungles around Southern China and with it, the fearsome tribes of the Nanman.



사섭: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1299590/Total_War_THREE_KINGDOMS__Shi_Xie/


Total War: THREE KINGDOMS – Shi Xie on Steam

Nepotism rules in the world of Shi Xie, and he is determined to spread his inner circle across the whole of China. Shi Xie will stop at nothing to get his family into power; After all, it’s all about who you know.



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